
The exposure and participation in various national and international workshops, training under the able teachers and mentors, two decades of experience in the performing arts. All this helps in conducting the workshops seamlessly. The participants benefit immensely from his experience. Santhosh has been conducting the workshops on various topics like voice modulation, Manipulation of the puppets and connecting the puppets to the emotions of the children. This workshops are for school teachers.

Workshop on Ventriloquism: He has completed more than 1000 workshops for school children, teachers, corporate executives etc. Santhosh loves to do ventriloquism workshop for preschool children aged between 3 to 6yrs.



Professional Ventriloquism Art Performances:

Mr. Santhosh Kumar is a professional ventriloquism artiste who performs on stage with new concepts filled with humor and fun.

His theatrical skills, voice modulation, razor - sharp improvisation and instant response to the audience makes his Ventriloquism shows lively and connects to the audience. He believes that art can be used beyond entertainment.

Ventrilloquism for Educational Institutions

Mr. Santhosh Kumar with his two decades of experience as Education Consultant is helping students from preprimary to senior classes. His pep talks as part of the shows are well received by students of Senior Classes. His customized shows designed to energize, entertain and enlighten different age groups and makes them more relevant to the students.

Principals of the leading educational institutions watching after his ventriloquism show, they are of the view that when children watch the doll taking to them in real time, they are thrilled and exited. They burst into laugh and enjoy the act so much that they become stress free.

Some of the prominent education institutions associated are Delhi Public School, Birla Open Mind, Oakridge, Zee, schools in Middle East & USA etc.

Ventriloquism shows for preschools

The concepts of Ventriloquism can be used to help the tiny-tots to understand the safety, hygiene and overcoming fear of strangers etc.

This show also brings awareness about the good touch, bad touch, reporting to parents and teachers in case of any suspicious behavior of the people around.

Kids learn fast when they love what they learn and ventriloquism shows are designed to make curriculum enjoyable.

Ventrilloquism Shows & Pep Talk for High & Senior Students

The students are spell bound by the performance of ventriloquism show. After the show they are willing to listen to Mr. Santhosh pep talk on topics like career, overcoming peer pressure, discovering self, time management etc.

He also shares some of the challenges in the career and international exposure all from his personal experience. Students ask several questions and feel confident after attending the session.

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